It’s that time - the weather is getting cooler, rain and hurricane season, and getting close to the winter months. We know that outdoor patio furniture sets are an investment. Keeping your patio furniture maintained during off seasons will help the longevity of your investment.
Here’s the 3 basic ways to upkeep:
Clean it - the most basic action you can take to maintain the integrity of the furniture is clean it regularly. When dust and dirt can slowly wear at the surface, use a gentle, non- abrasive cloths and soft soap and warm water. Make sure to thoroughly dry after.
Seal it - sealing your patio furniture is like putting an extra layer of skin on it. An inexpensive scotch guard will work. This will immensely uphold the surface and longevity of the furniture.
Cover it - whether it’s buying a cover or put it in a closed space, keeping your patio conversation sets covered during harsh weather conditions will greatly protect the furniture. If you have the space, you could incorporate it into your home during the colder seasons.
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